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    Docker basics: Essential commands

    Software Engineer
    Software Engineer
    Docker has revolutionized the way we build, ship, and run applications. With its lightweight and portable nature, Docker containers have become the go-to solution for application deployment across different environments. In this blog post, we will walk you through some essential Docker commands that will empower you to navigate through the Docker ecosystem with confidence.

    1. Docker Pull
    The docker pull command allows you to fetch a specific image from a registry. For instance:
    // language: bash
    docker pull <image-name>
    This command will download the specified image, making it available on your local machine for container creation.

    2. Docker Build
    The docker build command allows you to create a custom Docker image based on a Dockerfile. For example:
    // language: bash
    docker build -t <image-name> <path-to-dockerfile>
    This command will build an image using the instructions defined in the Dockerfile.

    3.  Docker Run
    The docker run command is fundamental to Docker. It allows you to create and start a container from a specific image. For example:
    // language: bash
    docker run <image-name>
    This command will pull the specified image (if it doesn't exist locally) and start a container based on it.

    4. Docker PS
    The docker ps command displays the running containers on your system. It provides information such as the container ID, image used, status, and port mapping. For example:
    // language: bash
    docker ps
    This command will show all the running containers.

    5. Docker Stop
    The docker stop command is used to halt a running container. You need to specify the container ID or name. For example:
    // language: bash
    docker stop <container-id>
    This command will gracefully stop the specified container.

    6.  Docker Exec
    The docker exec command enables you to run a command within a running container. It is particularly useful for troubleshooting or interacting with containerized applications. For example:
    // language: bash
    docker exec -it <container-id> <command>
    This command will execute the specified command within the running container like /bin/bash

    7.  Docker Logs
    The docker logs command retrieves the logs generated by a specific container. It helps in debugging and monitoring containerized applications. For example:
    // language: bash
    docker logs <container-id>
    This command will display the logs of the specified container.

    8. Docker Images
    The docker images command lists all the images available on your system. It provides information such as the image ID, repository, tag, and size. For example:
    // language: bash
    docker images
    This command will show all the images present on your local machine.

    Happy Dockerizing!
    Created at 2023-05-21 21:49:27 +0700

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